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How To Avoid Getting Charged A Pet Fee For An Emotional Support Animal

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A mental disability can affect your mood, the way you feel and your thinking. This condition makes it hard to relate to others and to function daily. It is a condition that you should not ignore because your quality of life will continue to decrease.

Many people with mental disabilities get an emotional support animal to help alleviate the symptoms. Read on to find out how to avoid getting charged a pet fee for an emotional support animal.

Why Do You Need Certification?

Some places do not allow pets. These places may be a rental house, school housing, a hotel or an apartment. If the place does allow pets, then they may charge you a pet deposit fee. However, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) understands the benefits of emotional support service dogs. This organization passed regulations that allows emotional support animals to live in housing areas that do not allow pets without charging the owner.

Get Legal Documentation From Counselor

Your animal does not have to be certified to exercise this right. However, you are required to have legitimate documentation that specifies the need for a support animal. You can get this documentation from a social worker, mental health professional, psychiatrist or physician. The documentation must specify that the pet alleviates the symptoms associated with your mental disability.

Put It In Letter Format

If you find a counselor that will provide the documentation, then you need to get it in letter format on the counselor's letterhead. This documentation should include your name and the type of mental disability you have, and recommends that you have a support animal to help with your condition. The letter is given to you and you can decide on who to share it with. This letter does not define or label your mental disability. It just lets the reader know you have a mental disability and need support.

Give The Documentation To Your Landlord

You have to show the documentation to your landlord. The Fair Housing Act supports anyone who needs emotional support animals to live with them in university-owned apartments, dormitories, residence halls, rental houses, apartments and university housing.

It helps to explore all treatment options. You may need to try a combination of treatments to cope with your mental disability. Mental disabilities are common and affects people from a variety of backgrounds. It is important to not be afraid to ask for help because some days are going to be overwhelming. If you are thinking about getting an emotional support animal, then it helps to understand how the pet will relieve your symptoms.

Contact a group like Next Generation Psychology for more information.
